Yes, yes, we have heard it over and over these are tough times. But think positive. To make positive thinking work make a list of what you can do to make your life better. Wait a minute, first write down the three things bothering you most in your life and then make the list what you can do to change them. Face that you may not know all the answers, and that is where seeking help works. Read the resource list in For Teenagers Living With A Parent Who Abuses Alcohol/Drugs. Don’t have the book? Can’t afford to buy it? Get a public library card and request the book. It is your right as a member to request books that they may not yet have bought. Podcasts are sort of radio on line. One you may want to visit is

Be good to yourself.

Hang in there

We have many questions about what is going on today. When will this pandemic end? Is it safe to go to school or to work? Need help. Don’t have insurance or money. Then visit this link:

Don’t give up. Ask questions. Define your problem and then ask questions again. Even if you don’t suffer with an addiction but live with someone who does voice your problems. You will be guided to the resource you need.

Teenagers Ask Questions On The Radio June 14th

Teenagers want to know and to know. This coming Sunday, June 14th, 3PM Pacific Time a teenager will ask questions of me and how I came to write the book, For Teenagers Living With A Parent Who Abuses Alcohol/Drugs. You can get the radio station on your computer by going to  Stay tuned.

How Are You Doing?

Times are not easy. Some are having money problems. Others hate being quarantined at home. Professionals geared to working with the abused are worried about what may be happening in homes. We have had many posts on this blog on how to manage if you have to leave your home for a while. Here is another suggestion if you happen to be feeling tense. Visit the following web site and explore their tips.

Quarantine – Difficult? Reach out!

Finding the isolation the Corona virus has placed us in difficult? You are not alone.  Reach out. Talk it over with someone who understands.   The National Alliance on Mental Illness has good suggestions. Telephone Help Line: 1-800-950-6264 or [email protected]

Lets Discuss The Pros and Cons of Quarantine

No doubt you have heard all the do’s and don’t’s  to protect yourselves from getting the Corona virus. If you are in close quarters with your family be aware that those who suffer from addiction may drink or drug more.  If this is going on in your home and you feel you are in danger of getting hurt by any inappropriate acting out PHONE 911. They are very busy at the moment and if you can’t get through PHONE THE NATIONAL ABUSE HOT LINE 800 799 7233.

Don’t have a cell phone? Can’t get to your phone? Get in touch with someone on your computer. The National Abuse Hot Line does have a “chat” ability. If you have to leave the house keep these phone numbers in your pocket.  If your hometown has its own abuse number, a safe house you need to keep that number also in your pocket. Think where you could go if you need to leave the house. Do you have a face mask so that people will feel secure when you approach them for help? If not, remember to stand 6 feet away. Be prepared.

You may also want to read the following:

If you yourself have addiction problems try to go to a meeting on line. You know what to do. Just google Alcoholics Anonymous, In The Rooms etc.

Be good to yourselves. Take care of yourselves.

Who is worried, stressed and anxious?

I am going to start this blog by suggesting that you read  It is well explained and will help you to deal with those emotions. Everyone has been worried about the Corona-virus. Will I get it? Should I go out with my friends?

Let’s look at some other things. Are your parent or parents or in some cases your sibling more into addiction because they are “worried” about the Corona-virus?  People who suffer from addiction handle their emotions of worry, anxiety, stress by drinking/drugging. A healthy person who does not suffer with addiction takes action. The healthy person follows the directions given by the physicians in charge of this pandemic. You know the advise: wash your hands, stay away from crowds, be aware of symptoms. This may be the time to join Ala-teen, In The Rooms, Adult Children of Alcoholics (over age 18) online. Go for it. Be good to yourselves.

A New Year, New Thoughts

Happy new year one and all.  Hopefully you had good holidays. Very often addicts use the holidays as an excuse to celebrate with drugs and alcohol. Ah yes, alcohol is a drug too. But lets talk about you. Planning any new year resolutions. Resolution is an easy word to understand but tough to carry out. So lets distinguish between wishes and what is realistic. Realistic is you because you can resolve to be in charge of yourself in a responsible way.

Parents aren’t there to help at all times? Then have a plan what to do at such a time. Is there an adult you admire and who is willing to be your friend? If not make it your business to join a great youth group such as the Boys and Girls Club. People there really care. Is there a church or synagogue youth group? Go for it. Remember you are worth it.