I am going to start this blog by suggesting that you read https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/26/smarter-living/the-difference-between-worry-stress-and-anxiety. It is well explained and will help you to deal with those emotions. Everyone has been worried about the Corona-virus. Will I get it? Should I go out with my friends?
Let’s look at some other things. Are your parent or parents or in some cases your sibling more into addiction because they are “worried” about the Corona-virus? People who suffer from addiction handle their emotions of worry, anxiety, stress by drinking/drugging. A healthy person who does not suffer with addiction takes action. The healthy person follows the directions given by the physicians in charge of this pandemic. You know the advise: wash your hands, stay away from crowds, be aware of symptoms. This may be the time to join Ala-teen, In The Rooms, Adult Children of Alcoholics (over age 18) online. Go for it. Be good to yourselves.