
Now that you know that you are not helpless, that there are other people who are willing to help, you may want to get in touch with some of the agencies listed here and share their addresses with others who are in a similar situation. Many teenagers belong to more than one support group because they get different vibrations, comfort, and information from each group.

Some of these resources have simple toll-free telephone numbers and parallel sites on the Internet. The 800 numbers are there for you if you prefer to talk on the phone. Your local telephone book has its own listings for Alateen, Al-Anon and Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Drug Addiction and Gamblers Anonymous.

If you prefer to talk to someone out-of-town the main numbers and web sites are all listed here. I have put an asterisk next to those which are especially helpful if you are upset and need immediate information or have decided to seek help on a long term basis.

Here are a few of the many helpful resources which can be found in my book, “For Teenagers Living With a Parent Who Abuses Alcohol/Drugs.”

* – Alcoholics Anonymous; support groups for recovering alcoholics

* – Association of American Indian Physicians; be sure to click on student activities.

* – American Council for Drug Education; 617 969 7100 ext. 2366

* – A comprehensive directory of addiction treatment facilities listed online; a good start for finding intervention help

* – Support group for family (including teenagers) of alcoholics


* – Help for adolescents and children who are being abused

* – For all ages – teenagers, adults and children – everything you can think of including music, games, fun and comprehensive information about drugs and living with a parent taking drugs

* – Among other services, help for teens on how to break the intergenerational cycle of substance abuse

* – A support group for the family of the substance abuser.

* – Information about crisis intervention services

* – Geared solely for children of alcoholics and other substance abusers

* – Freedom from alcohol and drug dependency with a special discussion forum for teens

* – Help for the families of gamblers; you can e-mail any questions you have

* – Gamblers helping each other to overcome their habit

* – A nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people recover from alcoholism and drug addiction; offers programs for families who have lived with a substance abuser; has on-line chat programs.

* -National Association for Children of Alcoholics

* – Answers questions about what intervention is, when to use it, how to use it and where to get help

* – Support groups for recovering marijuana addicts

* – Web site for narcotics anonymous, a community based association of recovering addicts

* – Support groups for family and friends of drug abusers

* – National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependencies – information and referrals for both the substance abuser and those who live with him or her

* – Al-Anon on line with a special teen forum; for friends and family of the alcoholic

* – A teenage friendly organization for those worried about their own or another friend’s or family member’s use of alcohol; based on the Twelve Steps adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous and other substance abuse organizations; this group is only for teens and those who love them.

* – The straight facts about what each drug does, doesn’t do, and the danger involved

* – A 60 day in-patient wilderness treatment center for males ages 14-24.

*911 Emergency number for ambulance, police and all other crisis.

*Alcoholics Anonymous Inter-Group 212 647-1680 Support groups for recovering alcoholics; look in your local phone book under AA for the number nearest to you; names are never asked and like their name says all information remains nameless.

*American Council for Drug Education 800 Drughelp, 800 488 Drug, 800 Cocaine, 800 9-Heroin, 800 Relapse, 888 marijuana; help available not only for those who live with an addict but for the addicts themselves

*Association of American Indian Physicians 405 946 7072

*Child Abuse Hotline – 800 422-4453 Child help

*Families Anonymous 800 736-9805 10AM to 4PM Monday through Friday Western time. Excellent support group for families struggling with substance abuse issues; all ages are welcomed at their meetings

*Gam-Anon International Services 718 352-1671 Tuesday 9AM to 4:30 PM and Thursdays 9AM to 5 PM Eastern time; Will help families who live with gamblers find a self-help group near them or help you start one.

*Gamblers Anonymous International Service Office 213 386-8789 Has a list of organizations near you;

*Nar Anon Family Groups 800 477 6291 Look also in your local phone book for a number in your area; support groups for family and friends of drug abusers.

*Narcotics Anonymous 818 773-9999 Look also in your local phone book for a number in your area; support groups for recovering drug abusers and those who want to abstain from drugs

*National Al-Anon and Alateen 800 356-9996, 800 344-2666 Look in your phone book for local Al-Anon and Alateen groups; known for helping families who live with alcoholics regain their lives;

*National Association for Children of Alcoholics (and drug abusers) 888-554-COAS

*National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information 800 729-6686 press #2 to talk to an advisor about help in your area.

*National Intervention Network 800 654 HOPE provides information on family intervention

*National Youth Crisis hotline 310 855-4673 Telephone counselors will listen to you and help you

*NCADD (National Council On Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc.) 800 NCA-CALL answers all kinds of questions about alcoholism, other drug dependencies and where the substance abusers and those living with them can seek help;

*Partners 855-378 4373 A relationship education course offered in schools nationwide or write for a brochure to American Bar Association/ Family Law Section, 750 North Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60611

*Youth Suicide And Runaway 800 999-9999 An excellent 24 hour hotline available seven days a week